Sunday, April 2, 2017

What's that called again?

I wanted to make this a believable story in order to fit itself into the Drama genre, which is known for revolving around real world topics which, in this case, revolved around medical case.

Because of this need to make the introduction seem realistic, I searched for terms and medical terminology for when a nerve is damaged, but not to the extent of being rendered useless. Eventually, I came across Ulnar Nerve Palsy.

Finally, I had reached the exact term I wanted. In this disorder, severe trauma to the Ulnar Nerve renders various hand and arm movement useless, particularly finer movements. Therefore, if a piano player were to be unfortunate enough to contract this, he would mostly likely have to cease to play the piano, due to the fact that it is an intricate art form, require both basic and fine movement.

(Medical Site)
Medically Reviewed by William A Morrison MD on December 21, 2015 — Written by Rachel Nall and Lauren Reed-Guy. (2015, December 21). Ulnar Nerve Palsy (Dysfunction). Retrieved from

Cyclist's palsy. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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